Todd Whitehead 60 eFG on 50 postseason off-the-dribble jumpers since 2013 Paul Durant Lillard Doncic Mitchell Curry LeBron JR Smith Chelsea Gray
JR Rider KG had never seen me play vs MJ I got 24 MJ got 18 KG says keep going at his ass he can't guard you I said chill MJ standing right here KG says psshh man I don't care Going into 4Q MJ got about 17 quick looking at me and KG He didn't understand we don't talk to MJ like that
Spain V USA - Condensed Gold Match 2008 When Spain and Ricky Rubio faced prime LeBron Wade Kobe D Howard CP3 Melo etc
JR Smith continues to be the only Laker without a shirt on, even in the locker room.